The programme (Central European Time):
- 16:30 – 17:30 Prof. Michael Mascuch (University of California,Berkeley) will present his paper "The Seventeenth-Century English Diary and the Idea of Sovereignty", which will include a methodological reflection, followed by discussion.
- 17:30 – 17:45 Alessandra Giliberto (managing editor at Brill) will introduce Brill's two series where the publication of research on egodocuments is possible.
- 17:45 – 18:15 Discussion of the possibilities of the research network with the participants of the seminar.
The seminar will be held online via MsTeams. To join the seminar, please use this link.
The seminar is organized by: dr Hadrian Ciechanowski (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń), dr hab. Michaël Green, prof. UŁ (University of Lodz)
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