The Oscars Night 2024 – wspólne oglądanie transmisji z ceremonii

Place of the event: Williama H. Lindleya 5a, 90-131 Łódź
When: 10 March 2024 (Sunday) 22:00 - Open End

On behalf of the American and Media Studies Student Science Club, we are pleased to invite all students to participate in watching the broadcast of the Oscars ceremony.

An information poster of the event showing the silhouette of the film Oscar and text

This is a unique opportunity to experience the excitement of one of the most prestigious events in world cinema together.

Date and location of the event

The event will take place on the night of 10-11 March, starting at 10:00 p.m.

Location: Room 12, Lindleya 5a (next to the Michowicz Assembly Hall)

During this unique evening, you will have the opportunity to watch the broadcast together, exchange opinions and experiences related to cinematography, as well as make new friends among people who share similar interests.

Additional information:

We encourage all those interested to bring their own snacks and drinks to share with other participants. We recommend wearing comfortable clothes, appropriate to the informal nature of the meeting. Home clothes, such as pyjamas, are preferred.

We look forward to celebrating the film achievements of the past year together and to sharing this unique experience with you.

Place of the event: Williama H. Lindleya 5a, 90-131 Łódź

Date and time of the event: 10 March 2024 (Sunday) 22:00 - Open End

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