Debata kandydatów na rektora Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w kadencji 2024-2028

About 250 people on-site and about 2.7 thousand online, via the University of Lodz YouTube channel, followed the debate between Prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska, Rector in office, and Prof. Rafał Matera, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology – two candidates for the Rector's Office of the University of Lodz for the 2024-2028 term. The debate was held on 7 March 2024 in the Wacław Szubert Assembly Hall, Lindleya 5.

Tomasz Boruszczak
Prof. Rafał Matera
Prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska

The audience and the debate participants were welcomed by Prof. Aldona Domańska, Chairwoman of the University Election Committee. The host, editor Tomasz Boruszczak, informed about the planned course of the debate and the rules for asking and answering questions. 

In the first part of the debate, the candidates briefly presented their programmes in the proposed by the University Election Committee areas of science, teaching and personnel matters. They had 8 minutes to do so.

In the second part, the candidates took turns asking each other questions. Everyone could ask five questions, the time for asking a question was limited to 1.5 minutes and for answering to 3 minutes. The meeting format did not include discussions between the candidates.

In the third part of the debate, the debate participants answered questions from pieces of paper thrown by the audience into three ballot boxes grouping those addressed to Prof. Żądzińska, to Prof. Matera and to both candidates. The candidates took turns answering the questions.

The debate was concluded by editor Tomasz Boruszczak, and the candidates for Rector of the University of Lodz thanked audience and each other for the participation.

The entire debate is available on the University of Lodz channel on YouTube 

The Rector of the University of Lodz will be elected on 19 March by the Electoral Board, consisting of 200 representatives of employees, students and doctoral students of the University of Lodz.

Photo report of the debate of Candidates for the University of Lodz Rector's Position

Source and edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz
Photos: Bartosz Kałużny (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)