General provisions
1. A student chooses a bachelor/master seminar from the offer presented in a given academic year by the unit leading a given study programme.
2. Subject to the Dean's approval and in accordance with their research interests, the student may prepare their diploma thesis under the scientific supervision of a member of staff who is not teaching a seminar in a given year.
3. The thesis supervisor is obliged to monitor the thesis development process on an ongoing basis.
4. The student is obliged to systematically submit following parts of the thesis to the thesis supervisor, which excludes the possibility of submitting a complete thesis without prior verification of the thesis progress by the thesis supervisor.
5. The topic of the bachelor and master thesis shall be approved by the educational board of the unit responsible for the study programme no later than the end of the fifth semester of bachelor's degree programme and no later than the end of the second semester of the MA studies. A prerequisite for the approval of a bachelor/master thesis topic is that it is compatible with the disciplines to which the programme is assigned and the directional study effects. Any changes to the topic of the thesis shall be approved by the educational board of the unit.
6. A student in their final semester may obtain credit for the bachelor's/master's seminar after completing all compulsory courses and internships in the study programme and after submission of the thesis and its acceptance by the
thesis supervisor.
7. In the event of infringement of another's copyrights, falsification of scientific research or its results, the student, at the request of the dean, shall be subject to disciplinary proceedings pursuant to the rules laid down in separate regulations.
8. Along with the thesis, the student is obliged to submit a statement on the independent preparation of the bachelor / master thesis.
9. The circulation of the thesis takes place in the APD system.
10. The educational board of the unit may additionally adopt specific arrangements that correspond to the characteristics of the study programme concerned.
Form of the diploma thesis
I. Diploma thesis for BA (bachelor) studies
1. A written diploma thesis (bachelor thesis)
1) A student preparing a written bachelor thesis should demonstrate basic knowledge and skills consistent with the study effects defined for the study programme.
2) The content of the bachelor thesis must not overlap with assignments assessed in other subjects in the study programme.
3) The topic of the bachelor thesis is agreed with the thesis supervisor based on the thesis outline presented and approved by the scientific council of the unit conducting the study programme.
4) The written bachelor thesis should conform to the basic standards of a scientific text in terms of composition, should be written in correct language, take into account the most important professional literature and basic specialist terminology and scientific apparatus (footnotes, bibliography).
5) The written bachelor thesis should include the following:
- title page (first and last name of the student, album number, title of the thesis in Polish and English or - in the case of a modern language study thesis - in the language which is the subject of the studies and in Polish, name of the unit in which the thesis was written, as well as first and last name of the thesis supervisor),
- an introduction - an explanation of the topic and aim of the thesis, a discussion of the most important aspects of the state of research and an indication of the method used,
- substantive part divided into chapters,
- conclusion - conclusions and concluding remarks,
- appendix (alternatively),
- bibliography,
- a summary and keywords in Polish if the thesis was written in a foreign language, or in English if the thesis was written in Polish.
6) The written bachelor thesis should be approximately 25 - 40 pages (45,000 - 72,000 characters without spaces).
7) The written bachelor thesis should be edited in accordance with the requirements specified for individual study programmes.
8) The written bachelor thesis for modern language study programmes should be written in a foreign language, unless the specific nature of the major allows the thesis to be written in Polish. Students of modern language study courses should be able to demonstrate language proficiency at a B2+ level. In the case of bilingual programmes, students may choose any of the languages studied, provided they have mastered it at a minimum B2+ level.
9) The written assessment of the bachelor thesis in the APD system, according to the model form, is carried out by the thesis supervisor and the reviewer.
2. A bachelor thesis prepared with a project method
1) A student preparing a bachelor thesis using the project method (hereinafter: bachelor project) should demonstrate the ability to solve practical tasks and a basic skill to describe them scientifically, taking into account the most important professional literature and methodology. Foreign language students should be able to demonstrate language proficiency at a B2+ level.
2) A bachelor project may be prepared by a team of students, but the tasks of each author should be clearly defined, as they are subject to separate assessment.
The aim of the diploma project is to develop a solution, description, or explanation for a specific problem (topic, notion), which could include a range of tasks such as editing encyclopaedic entries, creating a library catalogue or computer database, preparing an exhibition, translating a literary (or scientific) text with a critical commentary, critically editing a literary (or scientific) text, compiling an anthology of literary (or scientific) texts with a critical or historical commentary, conducting an interview, writing a reportage, preparing a radio program, compiling documentation of theatre repertoire, developing a series of lessons on a specific topic, preparing an (audio) guide (e.g. literary, cultural, etc.), preparing a feature or commentary series, preparing documentation of a selected speech therapy program for a person with speech disorders on the basis of a diagnosis, preparing a speech therapy screening and analysing the patient's speech, preparing a terminological glossary or thematic dictionary, or translating from a foreign language into Polish or vice versa and discussing the translation process, as well as creating a compendium of information and knowledge from the linguistic and cultural area of philology.
4) The topic of the bachelor project should be original and must not overlap with tasks assessed in other subjects in the study programme.
5) The topic of the bachelor project is agreed with the thesis supervisor based on the presented project plan and approved by the scientific council of the unit leading the study programme.
6) The bachelor project plan should include:
- the topic and aim of the project,
- characteristics of the practical activities
- characteristics of the research method,
- description of how the project will be carried out (problem solving),
- description of individual tasks, phases of the project, expected deadlines,
- list of literature and sources.
7) The bachelor project should consist of two parts:
a. presentation of the results of practical activities or their documentation (e.g. exhibition, translation, reportage, photographic documentation), which may also be in the form of a public demonstration;
b. a descriptive and critical part of 8-15 pages (14 400 - 27 000 characters without spaces)
- including a description of the action taken and the research method used,
- written in correct language, taking into account basic professional terminology,
- based on the most important specialist literature,
- including scientific references (footnotes, bibliography),
- edited in accordance with the requirements set out for each field of study,
- containing an abstract and key words in Polish if the thesis was written in a foreign language or in English if the thesis was written in Polish.
8) If a project is prepared by a team of students, each member must prepare their own descriptive part of the project, referring to the task performed by that specific person.
9) The assessment of the bachelor project includes both the effect of the practical activities and the descriptive part. Written assessment of the bachelor project in the APD system, in accordance with the model form, is carried out by the supervisor and the reviewer.
10) When assessing a project, the following criteria should be taken into account: novelty, originality, compliance of achieved results with the assumed objectives, the soundness of the method adopted, the consistency between practical activities and the descriptive part, and, in justified cases, the presentation of the project.
II. Diploma thesis in MA (master) studies
1. Written diploma thesis (master thesis)
1) A student preparing a master thesis should demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills consistent with the study effects defined for the study programme.
2) The content of the master thesis must not overlap with tasks assessed in other subjects in the study programme or with the topic of the bachelor thesis written during the BA studies.
3) The topic of the master thesis is agreed with the thesis supervisor based on the thesis outline presented and approved by the scientific council of the unit conducting the study programme.
4) The master thesis should adhere to the standards of a scientific text and be written in a scientific style, taking into account literature, specialized terminology, and scientific apparatus such as footnotes and bibliography.
5) The thesis should include the following elements:
- title page (first and last name of the student, album number, title of the thesis in Polish and English or - in the case of a modern language study thesis - in the language which is the subject of the studies and in Polish, name of the unit in which the thesis was written, as well as first and last name of the thesis supervisor),
- a table of contents,
- an introduction - an explanation of the topic and aim of the thesis, a discussion of the most important aspects of the state of research and an indication of the method used,
- substantive part divided into chapters,
- conclusion - conclusions and concluding remarks,
- appendix (alternatively),
- bibliography,
- a summary and keywords in Polish if the thesis was written in a foreign language, or in English if the thesis was written in Polish.
6) The written thesis should be 60 - 100 pages (108,000 - 180,000 characters without spaces).
7) Master theses in modern language study programmes should be written in the language that is the subject of studies, unless the
the specific nature of the programme allows the thesis to be written in Polish. Students of modern language study courses demonstrate
C1 level language skills. In the case of bilingual programmes, students / may choose any of the languages studied, provided they have mastered it at a minimum C1 level.
8) The master thesis should be edited in accordance with the requirements specified for individual study programmes.
9) The written assessment of the master thesis in the APD system, according to the model form, is carried out by the thesis supervisor and the reviewer.
§3 Diploma exam
I. Diploma exam in bachelor studies
1. The list of exam topics for the bachelor examination is determined by heads of units conducting the individual study programmes.
2. The list of exam topics for bachelor studies should include at least 20 subjects approved by the board of the
unit, made available to the students at the beginning of the academic year when the diploma exam for a given cycle of study would be taken.
3. The supervisor shall notify the Dean's Office by e-mail of the composition of the examination board at least 10 days before the date of the planned examination.
4. During the bachelor exam, a student is asked three questions: a question from the list of topics developed for the
programme, a question related to the problems presented during the seminar and a question related to the topic of the thesis.
5. In the case of thesis prepared with the project method, the third question is related to the implementation of the project.
6. The bachelor exam should last no less than 20 minutes.
7. The bachelor exam may take place remotely in accordance with the relevant Rector's Regulation.
II. Diploma exam for MA studies
1. The supervisor shall notify the Dean's Office by e-mail of the composition of the examination board at least 10 days before the date of the planned examination.
2. In addition to the presentation of the written thesis, the student takes an exam which consists of answering one question
directly related to the topic or methodology of the thesis, and two questions on extended issues related to the thesis. The MA exam should last 30 - 40 minutes.
3. The MA exam may be held remotely in accordance with the relevant Rector's Regulation.