The event is a part of this year's edition of FOTOFESTIWAL. Even though the official opening will take place on 23 June, the works will be on display at the University of Lodz Gallery Wozownia 1/5 (Franciszkańska 1/5) from 17 June. The exhibition will run until 1 September 2023.
Awareness of the fact that 19 rivers of Lodz are still flowing and that we cross them every day when going over bridges or moving over canals, is not obvious to the residents of our city. However, its restoration is an elementary condition for the necessary change
– explains Marek Domański.
The RIVERSCAPE project is in line with the 'blue humanities' trend, which draws attention to the need for a material and discursive experience of water. There is a real need / necessity to restore the subjectivity of the rivers flowing through our city. This is only possible by restoring our awareness of the presence and the role of rivers historically, as well as revealing their life-giving potential
– he adds.
Photography, which has both documentary and evocative potential, can play an important role in this change. The scale of the problem is beyond the capacity of any single individual, so a sense of community needs to be rebuilt for the sake of the whole ecosystem that keeps everyone safe
– concludes the author.
Opening hours during Fotofestiwal
Thursday – Friday 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m
Saturday: noon - 6:00 p.m.
More information is available on the website of the project (in Polish).