dr hab. Paweł Bryła
Conducting classes with students - Principles of Marketing, Bachelor's seminars: International Marketing Strategies, International Economic Relations and International Business. Reviewer of Master's and Bachelor's theses. Supervisor of PhD students in the field of management sciences.
Scientific activities - conducting scientific research, coordinating research projects, participating in scientific conferences, academic publications.
Organizational activity - participation in the work of the Council of the Faculty of International and Political Studies, the Committee for Scientific Degrees in the discipline of management and quality science, the 2nd Doctoral Committee at the Faculty of Management.
I am a professor at the Department of International Marketing and Retailing at the Faculty of International and Political Studies. I am a graduate of international relations at the University of Lodz and postgraduate studies in European integration at the College of Europe in Bruges. I obtained my doctorate and habilitation at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz. I hold the title of professor in the field of social sciences in the discipline of management and quality studies.
My research interests focus on the marketing of regional and organic food products, the policy of promoting healthy eating, the role of health-related information on the food market, consumer ethnocentrism and international student mobility. Privately, I like traveling and playing table tennis.
I am the author of over 130 scientific publications, including articles in leading international journals (including "Appetite", "British Food Journal", "Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods", "Academy of Management Learning and Education", " Studies in Higher Education", "Decision"). I am co-author of a monograph published in Routledge and editor of a monograph at Palgrave Macmillan. My works have been cited 799 times in the Web of Science database (Hirsch index 14) and 2287 times in Google Scholar (Hirsch index 23). I have led three research projects financed by grants from the National Science Center and a Polish team in the international research project MERGE, financed by the European Commission. I was a winner of two editions of the Iuventus Plus program for outstanding young scientists and a scholarship holder of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. I received the 20th Anniversary Award for an article in the "AIB Insights" magazine, the Inaugural Best Reviewer Award in the "European Journal of International Management", the Award of the Presidium of the Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Conference of Rectors of Lodz Public Universities, the Award of the Marshal of the Lodz Voivodeship, the Award of Prof. Witold Kula and several Rector's awards. For 8 years, I served as the Faculty Plenipotentiary of the Rector for the Erasmus Program, significantly contributing to the internationalization of the university. I contributed to triple the number of bilateral agreements with foreign universities - from approximately 30 to over 100. I cooperate as an expert with the National Science Center, the National Center for Research and Development and the National Agency for Academic Exchange. I was a reviewer of a doctorate at a foreign university (University of Vaasa in Finland), as well as a habilitation and three doctorates at Polish universities. I am the supervisor of one completed PhD thesis and two PhD theses in progress. Three times I have been included in the list of 2% of the most frequently cited scientists in the world.
phone: 42-665-54-25
phone: 42-665-58-30
Narutowicza 59A () room: 8B 90-130 Łódź
friday: 13:00-14:00 online, after an email appointment