PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Katarzyna Walęcka-Matyja



Didactic responsibilities:

Conducting teaching classes, including conducting teaching classes using distance learning methods and techniques (MS Teams, Moodle platform), timely preparation of documentation of the course of study, participation in the development and updating of education programs and teaching plans, conducting examinations and tests, including diploma examinations, conducting and reviewing diploma theses, developing teaching materials for classes, conducting consultations with students, improving one's own professional qualifications in the field of teaching classes, ensuring high quality of education and compliance of teaching work with the principles of the internal education quality assurance system.

Academic responsibilities include:

Conducting and participating in scientific research and development work, obtaining funds for scientific research by applying in competitions (e.g. NCN, IDUB), disseminating scientific research results by publishing the results (Wałęcka-Matyja, K., Napora, E. (2022). Psychological determinants of students' school achievements. Łódź: UŁ publishing house; Walęcka-Matyja, K., Janicka, I. (2021). Family as a value. Psychological analysis of family values. Łódź: UŁ publishing house), active participation in conferences and scientific seminars , nationwide and internationally, educating scientific staff and taking care of their development, improving their own professional qualifications.

Organisational activities:

Work in the University's collegial bodies and in faculty bodies (Member of the Commission for scientific degrees in the disciplines of pedagogy and psychology, Member of the Council of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Lodz, Member of the Council of the Institute of Psychology of the University of Lodz) and in rector's committees (Member of the Extra-Faculty Evaluation Committee, Member of the Anti-Mobbing Committee of the University of Lodz), Expert of the State Accreditation Committee, work on recruitment committees (Chairman of the WNOW Recruitment Committee), organizing promotional campaigns for the University and organizing conferences, symposia, seminars and other forms of academic activity, supervising the Student Scientific Club of Social Psychology.


Graduate of the University of Lodz (Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology). Employed as a university professor in a group of research and teaching staff. Doctor of humanities degree in psychology (University of Gdańsk). Ph.D. degree in social sciences, psychology (University of Gdańsk). Membership in national organizations and scientific societies: Polish Psychological Society (PTP), Polish Association of the Psychology of Close Relationships (PSPBZ).


Research interests include social psychology, specifically the psychology of relationships, interpersonal diversity and family psychology.

Psychological aspects of close interpersonal relationships:

-in romantic relationships (determinants of the quality of a romantic relationship, betrayal as interpersonal transgression)

-in the family system, with particular emphasis on relationships

a) in digital families vs. traditional families

b) in the parent-child subsystem, issues of psychological aspects of the care relationship provided by adult children to their parents in late adulthood;

c) in the adult sibling subsystem, their determinants and the effects of positive and difficult sibling relationships, the role of family and sibling relationships in shaping well-being and mental health in young adults.

Issues of familism and family values ​​included in cross-sectional studies, intergenerational transmission of behavioral patterns in the family system, considered in connection with mental health.

Author/co-author of five scientific monographs ( Mam. Jestem. Mogę. Kształtowanie odporności psychicznej u dzieci i młodzieży,  Psychologiczne uwarunkowania osiągnięć szkolnych uczniów , Rodzina jako wartość. Analiza psychologiczna wartości rodzinnych,  Rozwiązywanie sytuacji konfliktowych. Wybrane problemy,  Relacje interpersonalne dorosłych rodzeństw w aspekcie funkcjonowania psychospołecznego i krytycznych wydarzeń życiowych,  Struktura rodziny a zróżnicowanie zachowań społecznych i osobowości młodzieży) and over 70 scientific articles.


Awards of the Rector of the University of Lodz for scientific and teaching activities

Awards of the Dean of WNoW for organizational and scientific activities

3rd degree team award of the Rector of the University of A. Mickiewicza in Poznań


phone: 42-635-66-33


14:00 - 15:00


13:00 - 14:00