1/ Teaching classes

2/ Supervising the completion of bachelor's and master's theses

3/ Conducting / participating in scientific research

4/ Conducting cooperation with the business environment within the framework of the R&D (research and development) program

5/ Supervision of the implementation of doctorates (promoter, assistant promoter, reviewer, member of evaluation committees)


I have been employed at the University of Lodz in the Department of Biology and Environmental Protection since 2017. Prior to my employment, I was a postdoctoral fellow for almost 10 years at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Texas Health Science Center, Tyler, TX, USA. Then I worked temporarily as a research assistant professor at the Institute of Medical Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lodz, Poland, and as a senior specialist for in vitro and in vivo preclinical research at the Polish-American company Evestra Onkologia Sp.z.o.o.

I have participated in several national and international projects
1/ “ IL-8 Binding Proteins - Impact on the Lung” (R29 HL56768; 1997-2002, NIH, USA) - principal investigator
2/ “Impact of IL-8 Bound to the Anti-IL-8 Autoantibody” (R01 HL073245; 2004-2009, NIH, USA) - principal investigator
3/ “Role of IL-8 in the pathogenesis of mycobacterial infection”, (UMO-2011/01/M/NZ6/01764; 2012-2014, NCN) - principal investigator
4/ POIG 01.01.02 - 10107/09 Operational Program Innovative Economy, Priority 1, Research and development of modern technologies, Activity 1.1.2 Strategic research and development programs. “Study of molecular mechanisms at the interface between the human body - pathogen - environmental factors (InterMolMed)”. (2010-2013); contractor
5/ POIR.01.01.01-00-0123/16 Operational and Innovative Development Program for the project “Development of selective therapy of endometriosis based on mesoprogestogens” (2017 - 2019); principal investigator and person in charge of in vivo studies
6/ POIR.04.04.00-00-16-D7/18 (0109) TEAM NET project “Multifunctional biologically active composites for applications in regenerative medicine of the skeletal system” (2019 - 2023); team member with scientific title and principal investigator and in vivo research coordinator .
7/ IDUB Grant for Experienced Researchers (sponsored by the University of Lodz) “ Innovative colchicine-conjugated nanoparticles as a weapon to combat inflammatory and atherosclerotic changes in vascular endothelium” (2022- 2024); project leader.
I implement research from the R&D (research + development category) within the cooperation framework between science and business.

My person is on the list of promoters at the BioMedChem PhD School of the University of Lodz and institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences
I am currently the promoter of two PhD students: Paulina Rusek - Wala, M.Sc. and Agata Tomaszewska, M.Sc.
Board member of the experimental section of the Polish Society of Cardiology


Research interests: ischemic heart disease, respiratory infections, role of neutrophil cells in infections, cellular signals generated in epithelial, endothelial, immune-competent cells, in vitro and in vivo models in experimental studies.

Life interests: travel, culinary, interior decorating


Number of total publications: 43
Number of citations: 815
Hirsch index: 15
In 2019 - Habilitation dissertation - Cycle of 5 publications titled: “Fc gamma receptor-dependent effects of IL-8 complexes: anti-IL-8 autoantibody on neutrophils and endothelial cells in respiratory distress syndrome”. Honored with the award of the Rector of the University of Lodz in 2020
In 2023 - University Professor 


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